Although corporate scandal captures the media’s attention more often,
fraud perpetrated directly against the federal and state governments
directly cuts deeper into taxpayers’ pockets. Ordinary folks can
help combat that fraud through so-called “qui tam” lawsuits which, if
successfully prosecuted, can result in substantial financial rewards to
the “whistle blower” who brings the fraud to the government’s attention.
areas or businesses where government fraud occurs include Medicare,
Medicaid and Tri-Care providers, nursing homes and home healthcare
providers, pharmaceutical companies, government grants and research
projects, weapons and defense contractors, government contracts and
projects, environmental contracts and low-income housing.
Brought under the federal False Claims Act (31 U.S.C.
§§ 3729 -3733), qui tam cases are a powerful way for citizens to assist
the government in stopping the fraud. The phrase “qui tam” is Latin –
meaning, “who as well” – is found in old English law and describes the
situation where a person sues on behalf of the Crown and himself.
As such, these types of suits are brought for “the government as well as
the plaintiff.”
Most States, including North Carolina, have enacted
“baby” False Claims Acts, which provide for similar whistle blower
claims to combat fraud upon the state. Modeled after the federal
False Claims Act, the North Carolina False Claims Act (N.C. Gen. Stat.
§§ 1-605 et seq.) permits citizens to bring qui tam actions on behalf of
the State to recover treble damages and civil penalties.
Any person or entity with personal knowledge or
evidence of fraud in a federal program or contract may file a qui tam
lawsuit under the False Claims Act against an individual or business
that is defrauding the government, and recover funds on the government's
behalf. The person or entity filing the lawsuit is called a
“Relator.” The qui tam lawsuit is filed “under seal,” meaning that
it is kept secret from everyone but the government to allow the US
Department of Justice time to investigate the Relator’s
allegations. Even the person or entity being accused of fraud is
unaware of the qui tam case, except or until the court unseals the
Mr. Marshall is “perhaps, the most experienced
qui tam and False Claims Act lawyer in the Western District of North
Carolina. Mr. Marshall faithfully served his country as the Chief Civil
Assistant United States Attorney for many years, and in that capacity
became most skilled in the analysis and prosecution of these actions.”
– Federal
Such secrecy is important where, for example, the
Relator is an employee of the fraudulent entity who does not want to
risk losing her job by revealing the fraud to the government.
Additionally, under § 3730(h) of the federal False Claims Act, any
employee who is discharged, demoted, harassed, or otherwise
discriminated against because of lawful acts by the employee in
furtherance of his or her whistle blower actions is entitled to all
relief necessary to make the employee whole. Such relief may
include reinstatement, back pay (doubled), litigation costs and
reasonable attorneys’ fees.
A Relator’s success in bringing a qui tam action
ultimately depends on the amount of supporting evidence and how well
framed the lawsuit is. The qui tam complaint and its supporting
documents should provide the government with detailed information about
the fraud, with which information the government can then further
investigate the allegations – often with the assistance of the Relator’s
attorney – until it decides whether it will intervene in the case
The government intervenes in only a small percentage
of qui tam lawsuits but its decision to join the suit is a desirable
development for the Relator because of the vast resources the government
can bring to the action. If the government chooses not to
intervene, the Relator has the option to pursue the qui tam case on his
own, which can be quite difficult.
The amount of the whistle blower reward depends on
many factors, including the quality of the case as presented to the
Justice Department and the work of the whistle blower’s attorney to help
the qui tam case succeed. If the government intervenes in the case and
recovers funds through a settlement or a trial, the Relator, is entitled
to 15 percent to 25 percent of the recovery. If the government doesn't
intervene in the case and the matter is pursued successfully by the
Relator’s and his legal team, the whistle blower reward is between 25
and 30 percent of the recovery. Where the government has been
defrauded of millions or even billions of dollars, these percentages add
Once a person has evidence of fraud against the
government and decides to “blow the whistle,” that person needs to find a
lawyer to represent him/her. Like any lawsuit, there are time
limits applicable to qui tam actions. Under the federal False
Claims Act, an action must be filed within the later of (1) six years
from the date of the violation of the Act; or (2) three years after the
government knows or should have known about the violation, but in no
event longer than ten years after the violation of the Act.
✣ ✣ ✣
For further information about qui tam actions, access
the FAQ page on our website. You may also obtain a copy of,
The Whistleblower's Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Doing What's Right and Protecting Yourself,
which is a consumer’s guide to false claims litigation and whistle
blowing. It provides excellent information with its twenty-one rules
that explain and offer guidance on how best to blow the whistle on
government fraud.
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